Friday, September 26, 2008

All About the Politics!!!

Today I am going to take a break from informing you about things we will learn in class and test your knowledge of politics. As you know (at least I hope you know) this is an election year. Whoop! Whoop! Yes we get to elect a new president. As I was perusing the web today I came across a quiz. Yes I said quiz. Its fun and informative ( I learned that I really need to read more about the candidates). So enjoy yourself and test your knowledge.

Also I am a huge fan of the Declare Yourself Campaign. They are informing and encouraging young voters to vote. I love love love there slogan "Only You Can Silence Yourself" ( I own one of the t-shirts haha... the proceeds go to a good cause) you can go check out there website here:

You cant get mad at who made it into the white house if you don’t get out there and vote. Make yourself aware of the issues the candidates are discussing. Voting isn’t something you should take for granted. Ok I am getting of my soap box. Just remember you have the power to choose.


Derek Eady said...

Great info PR Princess. People need to be informed and up to date on what's going on around them. Thanks for bringing this part of the www to your blog readers.

Kgal9520 said...

I completely agree with everything you said (including the quiz--me too). I've been registered and voting since I came of age, but have always been frustrated with how to get friends to vote. Hopefully, the Declare Yourself campaign helps. As a side note: Jessica Alba as the cover girl doesn't hurt.